Tuesday 24 January 2017

Sunnyside eggs with Baby marrow, mushrooms.

Sunnyside eggs with Baby marrow, mushrooms.


2 large Eggs...
1 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 cup thinly sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup thinly sliced baby marrows
A pinch of turmeric
A pinch of black pepper
A few cherry tomatoes sliced in half
Fresh coriander


In a large non stick frying pan, stir fry the baby marrow and mushrooms on a medium to high heat with the coconut oil for 5 minutes. Add the spices and stir , switch off the heat and with the spatula push the veg mixture to one side of the pan. Crack the two eggs on the empty side of the pan and allow the residual heat to cook through the egg. Top with the tomatoes and coriander and serve. You may add freshly chopped chilies if you want it a bit spicy.
