Friday 12 September 2014

Gluten-free granadilla fridge tart

Gluten-free granadilla fridge tart
300 ml coconut – toasted
50 g butter – melted
500 ml homemade yogurt
pulp from 8 – 10 passion fruit
4 sheets gelatine
30 – 50 ml honey or xilotol
a little water
Mix the butter with the coconut and press the coconut down in a tart dish. Keep in the fridge. Place  the gelatine sheets in a bowl.  Cover with cold water and soak until the gelatine is soft. Scoop the pulp from the passion fruit and pour into a small pot with a little water and bring to the boil . Add a little honey to your taste. Squeeze the water from the gelatine and add to the passion fruit. Remove from the heat and allow to cool but not set.  Add about ½ of the passion fruit to the yogurt and mix. pour the mixture into the coconut tart shell and top with the other ½ of the passion fruit pulp. Allow to set and serve.
*If you do not have sugar issues, use caster sugar in stead of the honey.
*The coconut can be replaced with toasted, ground almonds

Homemade yogurt
Makes 1 liter
1 liter full cream milk
4 T bulgarian yogurt with live cultures
Pour the milk into a large stainless steel pot and over low heat, cook the milk until it is just below boiling point. Stir continuously so that the milk does not “catch” at the bottom of the pot. Once it reaches that temperature, let it cool to 60C. It is easy if you have a thermometer, but if you don’t, use your finger. If you can keep your finger in the milk for longer than 10 seconds without burning your finger, it is ok!
Mix the yogurt with with a little extra milk ( this yogurt and milk must be at room temperature)  and stir into the milk in the pot. Transfer the milk to a glass jar or bowl, wrap in a blanket or towels  and place in a warm place for at least 4-5 hours. Refrigerate uncovered for about 40 minutes and then close the yogurt and use when needed.
(Food24 / My Easy Cooking)