Tuesday 26 March 2013


Hier is 'n heerlike resep van Nigella Lawson vir Kedgeree.  Net die regte ding vir 'n Paasfees dag.  Dit lyk na baie bestandele, maar glo my dis baie maklik om te maak. (Die metode is 5 maklike stappe.)

·    Half an onion - finely chopped
·    1 clove of garlic - finely chopped
·    Juice of half a lemon
·    2 teaspoons of curry powder
·    Half teaspoon of turmeric
·    2 fillets of smoked haddock (non-dyed)
·    3 cups of COOKED basmati rice
·    Fresh chopped coriander leaves
·    Fresh chopped parsley leaves
·    4 tablespoons of single cream
·    3 boiled eggs
1.   Poach the smoked haddock fillets. Remove from pan and leave to cool at room temperature.
2.  Saute the onion and garlic Add lemon juice, and then the curry powder and turmeric to create a paste. Fold in the cooked rice and season to taste.
3.  Break the fish up with fingers, and fold lightly into the rice with the chopped herbs. I usually add a good handful but this depends on personal taste.
4.  Stir in the single cream, and season again if necessary.
5.   Turn into a serving bowl and decorate with quartered hard-boiled eggs and serve.