Thursday 17 January 2013

Broodpoeding (Bread and butter Chocolate pudding)

As jy gedink het die gewone tradisionele “Bread and butter pudding” (Broodpoeding)  is ‘n treffer…………..mens, dan moet jy weer lees.  Kyk net hierdie fantastiese kombinasie en om alles te kroon is dit eintlik so maklik (al lyk die resep baie lank).  Croissants en Sjokolade – Hmmmmm dis mos ‘n heerlike kombinasie.

Resep vir Broodpoeding – Boerekos met ‘n “twist”

Stuart’s Chocolate croissant bread and butter pudding with chocolate sauce

25g butter, at room temperature
6 croissants (can be a day old)
100g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa), chopped
100g white chocolate, (if desired or just double the dark chocolate) chopped
4 large eggs
150g castor sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
600ml (2 cups) cream
150ml (½ cup) whole milk
150g  soft light brown sugar

For the SAUCE:
250ml  cream
100g  dark chocolate (At least 70% cocoa)

Preheat the oven to 180C (Gas Mark 4 / 350F). Butter a 33 x 23cm (6cm deep) (12 x 9in (2 ½ in deep)) baking dish (about 5 pts (3L) in volume) and set on a baking sheet.

Tear the croissants up roughly, arrange half of them in the baking dish and scatter half the chopped dark and white chocolate over. Make a second layer with the remaining croissant pieces and top with the remaining chocolate.

Whisk the eggs, sugar, vanilla extract, cream and milk together in a large bowl or jug until well combined. Carefully pour this mixture over the croissants and chocolate and sprinkle the brown sugar evenly on top. Leave to soak for about 10 minutes and then bake for about 45-50 minutes until it is just firm to the touch.

In the meantime, prepare the chocolate sauce. Place the cream in a medium saucepan and bring slowly to a boil. Remove from the heat, add the chocolate and stir until melted.

Remove the pudding from the oven and leave to sit for a few minutes before serving with the chocolate sauce.