Thursday 18 August 2011

Stysel vingerverf vir kinders

Ek onthou kleintyd se lou-warm stysel op groot velle papier en hoe jy heerlik kon prentjies maak met jou vingers op die papier nadat jy die stysel oor die hele papier gesmeer het.  As jou prentjie verkeerd uitkom, vee jy dit net dood en begin weer.  Dit was my gunsteling dag by die skool.  Hier is twee resepte vir vingerverf - een gemaak van mieliemeel en die ander van stysel. 

Cornflour paste
3 parts water (3 cups)
1 part cornflour (1 cup)
Food colouring
Bring water to boil in saucepan.  Remove from heat.
Dissolve cornflour in a little cold water and add to hot water, stirring constantly.  Boil until clear and thick (about one minute).
Add food colouring.  Offer to children while still warm to the touch.  A table spoon of glycerine may be added to make it glossy.  Store in refrigerator.

1 part starch granules (1 cup)
2 parts boiling water (2 cups)
Food colouring
Add a small amount of cold water (about 6 tablespoons) to starch granules to make a paste.  Add boiling water to starch, stirring constantly.  The mixture should become thick and milky glossy.  If it doesn’t thicken it is because the water isn’t hot enough.  Simply put it on the stove and bring it to the boil.  Remove from stove.  Add food colouring.  Add some glycerine to make mixture glossy and/ or ½ cup of Lux soap flakes for a different texture.  Give starch mixture to children while still warm. 
(Bron:  The best of children's arts and crafts. Women's weekly)