Friday 27 May 2011

Spyskaart en Resepte Week 1


MAANDAG                           Macaroni en Kaas
DINSDAG                              Hoender à La King met wit rys
WOENSDAG                        Omelet gevul met oorskiet uit die yskas
DONDERDAG                      Vark tjoppie, met kapokaartappels soet ertjies
VRYDAG                                Gebakte vis en skyfies



Macaroni-en-kaas is in baie huise ‘n gunsteling, dit werk veral goed tydens vakansietye

1 eetlepel botter
1 middelslag uit, fyngekap
125g spek, fyngekap
(optioneel 800g vars spinasie, fyngesnipper)

± 5 eetlepels botter
4 eetlepels koekmeel
2 koppies melk
½ koppie room
sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper
2 koppies grofgerasperde cheddarkaas
300g rou macaroni
2 – 3 eetlepels droë broodkrummels

Smelt die botter in ‘n kastrol en braai die ui totdat dit sag en glansend is.  Gooi die spek by en braai dit tot bros.  (Voeg spinasie by en roerbraai tot blare verlep en sag is.)  Skep mengsel in ‘n oondskottel.

Smelt die botter in ‘n kastrol en roer die meel by totdat alles gemeng is.  Draai die plaat laer en roer die melk en room by.  Die sous is reg wanneer dit begin kook.  Haal die sous van die plaat af en geur dit met sout en swartpeper.  Roer die helfte van die kaas by.

Gooi macaroni in ‘n kastrol vol kokende soutwater.  Roer dit goed deur en kook die macaroni vir 10 – 12 min sonder ‘n deksel.  Dreineer dit in ‘n vergiettes.

Skepdie pasta bo-oor die spek in die oondskottel.  Gooi die witsous eweredig oor en sprinkle die res van die kaas oor.  Sprinkel die broodkrummels oor.

Bak teen 180°C vir sowat 30 – 45 minute.


1 Onion, finely chopped
100g Mushrooms, sliced
2 tablespoons Flour
1½ cups Milk
200ml Chicken stock
500g poached Chicken in bite size pieces
Splash of Cream (not essential)
Salt and Pepper
1 red Pepper, Chopped
1 green/yellow Pepper, Chopped
3 tablespoons butter for frying

In a pan on a medium heat, add butter and a little oil and cook the onions, peppers and mushrooms until soft.  Add the flour and cook for a minute or two stirring constantly.

Remove from the heat, add the milk slowly and stir constantly, add the stock, bring to the boil and stir until smooth and quite thick.

Add the chicken and cream and season with salt and pepper.

HINT:  If you want the sauce rich add 2 tablespoons Sherry.

OMELET – 4 porsies

Oorskiet vleis, groente, ens kan as ‘n lekker vulsel gebruik word.  Ek gaan vandag spek en kersietamaties gebruik as my vulsel

Hierdie resep maak 2 groot omelette wat gehalveer kan word

40ml botter
250g spekvleis, in klein blokkies gesny
8 eiers
sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper na smaak
200g kersietamaties, gehalveer
100g cheddarkaas, gerasper
30ml fyngekapte pietersielie

Smelt  die helfte van die botter in ‘n kleefvrye pan en braai die spek tot bros.  Dreineer dit op kombuispapier. 

Klits die eiers in ‘n mengbak en geur met sout en swartpeper.

Smelt die res van die botter in ‘n groot pan.  Draai die plaat na medium-hitte.

Gooi die helfte van die geklitste eiers in die pan.  Roer effens.  Plaas die helfte van die tamaties en kaas op een helfte van die eier.  Maak die pan met ‘n deksel toe tot die eier gestol en die kaas gesmelt het.  Vou die omelet toe.  Laat gly die omelet uit die pan en halveer.

Maak die tweede omelet met die oorblywende bestanddele.

Garneer met pietersielie


2 Pork loin chops
Meat Spice
Canola Oil

Snip into the fat side of the chops to prevent curling during cooking.  Season chops generously on both sides and brush both sides with oil.  Leave at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

Stand the chops upright on the fat side and insert 2 sosatie sticks through the meaty part of the chops.  Cook upright, on the fat side, in a griddle or heavy frying pan.  When the fat is brown and crispy, remove the sosatie sticks and cook the chops flat, on one side, until just done.  Turn the chops over, cook for only 1 minute and then remove the pan from the heat.  Cover the chops with foil and leave the other side of the chops to finish cooking slowly in the retained heat of the pan for about 10 minute, depending on thickness.


1 cup Cake flour
2t Maizena
1t Seasoned sea salt
1 cup Beer or Soda water

Sift the dry ingredients together into a medium mixing bowl.  Add the beer slowly while whisking with a wire whisk.  Do not be too concerned if a few lumps remain as it adds texture when cooked.  Leave the batter to rest at room temperature for half an hour if at all possible.

500g fish fillets with skin on (hake, cape salmon, dorado or any other white fish)
Fish spice
Canola oil for frying
Beer Batter

Season the fish with the spice, leave in the fridge to firm until ready to cook.

Preheat the oil in a large heavy based frying pan.  Just before frying, dip the fish in the batter to coat it all round.  Cook in the frying pan over medium heat.  When the fish is browned on one side, gently ease it over using a spatula and a fork.

When browned on both sides remove and drain on absorbent kitchen paper or crumpled brown paper.

Serve with lemon wedges and crispy chips.

HINT: If you are using a deep fat fryer, set the temperature to 180°C.  Test he temperature of the oil with a drop of the batter – it must sizzle and brown quite quickly