Tuesday 22 August 2017

Scrambled sweetcorn

Scrambled sweetcorn

12 rashers streaky bacon
30 g butter
1 x 400g can corn kernels, drained
12 free-range eggs

1 T parsley, chopped
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2 T spring onion, chopped, to garnish
Microgreens, for garnish
Parmesan shavings, to garnish

Cooking Instructions

Cook the bacon until crisp, then chop into pieces.
Melt the butter in a nonstick pan and briefly saute the corn.
Add the eggs and scramble with the corn.
Add the parsley and season to taste. Serve topped with the bacon, spring onion, microgreens and Parmesan shavings.
Cook's note: Be sure not to overcook the eggs. They may appear runny because of the addition of the corn.