Friday 14 March 2014

Hoe om 'n hasie servet te vou

Ek wou nog altyd graag 'n hasie servet op my Paasfees tafel he, toe gaan loer ek by die kenner Martha Stewart hoe sy dit doen.  Hier is haar aanwysings:  (Onthou net dit is 'n gestuifde wit lap servet wat gebruik word.)

1.                Fold starched napkin into thirds to form a rectangle. (If you're using a square napkin, you'll need to fold in half, and then fold in half again to get a long rectangular shape.)
2.                Crease in half to create a center line for reference; fold top corners down along this line.
3.                Fold up from bottom corners along dotted lines.
4.                Bring left and right edges together on center line.
5.                Flip upside down and over. Turn up bottom point.
6.                To fasten: Fold left and right corners back; tuck one corner into the pocket of the other. Pull out bunny ears first; open up base.