Thursday 11 April 2013

Wholesome Apple Tart

Naomi le Roux
Appeltert in koue weer. foto

This apple tart is unique in the sense that you use as many whole apples as you can fit into your tart dish. So before you even start, take pie dish and pack it full of apples……one layer of course.
Wholesome Apple Tart
makes 1 big apple tart, enough for 8-10 people
8-10 Golden Delicious Apples – peeled and cored
100 g butter
250 ml brown sugar
4 cloves
2 sticks cinnamon
zest of 1 lemon
250 ml cream
pinch of salt
80 ml brandy
300 ml chopped pecan nuts
400 g puff pastry
1 egg

Heat a big heavy-based pot on the stove and melt the butter and sugar together. Add all the spices and lemon zest. Add the apples and allow to cook in the sauce, turning the apples to make sure the whole apple is coated in sauce. The apples must be cooked, but not soggy. Place the apples in your tart dish and fill the cavities of the apples with the chopped nuts. Add the cream to the pot and allow sauce to reduce a little. Pour the sauce over the apples so that some of the sauce runs into the cavities and over. Allow to cool. Preheat oven to 180 C. Cover with the puff pastry, brush with egg wash and bake for 40 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown. Serve with cream, custard or ice cream…… Or all three, it is even better!