Thursday 22 November 2012

Bottled Cherries

Christel Stephenson

•2 bags of cherries
•5-6 quart mason jars
•5 cups sugar
•4 cups water

Sterilize your mason jars (in dishwasher, oven or I just rinse mine in hot water). Rinse and remove stems from cherries. Pack cherries in jars just below neck.

In a saucepan heat up water and add sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves (about 5 minutes). Pour syrup into jars up to bottom of neck. Screw lids on.

Bring pot of water to a boil. Place jars in pot and boil for 25 minutes. Place on a towel to cool. You will hear lids make a popping sound so you know that they are sealed. Test your lids before storing jars away. If you press down on center of lid and it makes a clicking sound, it has not sealed. If jars do not seal after 24 hours, re-boil or place them in fridge and enjoy!
(Lindsey's Kitchen)