Thursday 13 September 2012


You take your Elmers Gel Glue and draw a design all over your fabric. Let is sit and dry for a couple of hours, we set ours in the sunshine. Then you paint your design with acrylic paint - rainbow colors for us. Again, let this dry for a couple of hours, we set ours in the sunshine.
Once the paint is dry you will then soak your fabric in a sink of hot water for about 15 minutes and the glue will begin to dissolve. You can scrunch/rub the fabric together to encourage it to happen quicker, this will not ruin your paint job. Once the glue has fully dissolved from the fabric it will reveal the design you created, a batik.

Ek het die gom al vervang met meel en water wat ek gemeng het en in 'n klein botteltjie gesit het wat 'n tuitjie het.  As die meel droog is het ek die lap op gevrommel dat dit meel kan kraak, dan loop die verf effens in die krake in.