Thursday 11 June 2020

Geure uit die Vallei se Gebakte Vis met Kruiekors

Bedien 4
4 Visfilette soos Stokvis, Kingklip of Geelstert
¼ koppie (60ml) Gekapte Okkerneute
2 eetlepels (30ml) Gemengde Kruie soos Pietersielie, Dille, Koljander en Grasuie
Sout & Peper na smaak
1 eetlepel (15ml) Olyfolie

1 koppie (250ml) Ongegeurde Jogurt
1 Knoffelhuisie, fyngekap
2 teelepels (10ml) Dijon of Heelkorrel Mosterd
Sout & peper na smaak
1 eetlepels (15ml) Vars Dille, gesnipper
Sap van ½ Suurlemoen
1 teelepel (5ml) Heuning
1 Eier
Verhit jou oond tot 180°C.
Begin om die sous te maak:
Plaas al die bestanddele vir die sous in jou oondpan en gebruik ‘n vurk om die bestanddele te meng. Hou eenkant terwyl jy die vis voorberei.
Vir die krummelkors:
Plaas al die bestanddele in ‘n klein mengbak en roer dit bymekaar. Skep gelyke hoeveelhede van die kors op elke visfilet en druk dit dan versigtig inplek.
Plaas die visfilette op die jogurtsous en bak die vis vir 20-25 minute in die oond, afhangende van die dikte van die vis.
Verwyder die oondpan uit die oond en plaas die visfilette versigtig op jou opdienborg. Jy sal oplet dat dit lyk of die sous geskei het, moet nie komkommer nie dis vreeslik maklik om dit bymekaar te kry.
Neem ‘n draadklitser en roer die sous tot dit weer glad is, bedien die sous terwyl dit nog warm is saam met die vis en groente van jou keuse.
Baked Fish with a Herb Crust
Serves 4
4 Fillets of Fish (Hake, Yellowtail, Kingklip)
Herb Crust:
¼ cup (60ml) Chopped Walnuts
2 tablespoons (30ml) Mixed Fresh Herbs, chopped (Parsley, Dill, Coriander, Chives)
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 tablespoon (15ml) Olive Oil
Yoghurt Sauce:
1 cup (250ml) Plain Yoghurt
1 Clove of Garlic, finely chopped or grated
2 teaspoons (10ml) Dijon or Whole Grain Mustard
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 tablespoons (15ml) Fresh Dill, chopped
Juice of ½ Lemon
1 teaspoon (5ml) Honey
1 Egg
Preheat your oven to 180°C.
Start by making the sauce: Place all the ingredient for the sauce into a baking dish large enough for the fish fillets and stir them together until well combined.
Prepare the crust by placing all the ingredients for the crust in a small mixing bowl and stir together.
Pat the fish fillets dry with some kitchen paper and spoon equal amounts of the herb mixture onto each fillet of fish. Press down lightly to compact the crust, place the fillets of fish on to the yoghurt sauce.
Bake the fish for about 20-25 minutes depending on the thickness of the fillets.
When removing the baking dish from the oven you will notice that it appears as if the sauce has separated in places, it is very easy to fix this. Simply remove the fish from the sauce and stir the sauce with a spoon, fork or a small whisk to bring it together, adjust the seasoning if necessary and serve immediately.