Monday 26 March 2018

Tomato Twiddle (Tea Party Sandwiches)

Tomato Twiddle (Tea Party Sandwiches)
2 medium tomatoes (off the vine if possible)
1/2 pound / 226gram of shredded sharp cheddar cheese (wonder of process cheese sal werk)
1/4 cup diced white onion
Prepare the tomatoes by cutting an “X” on the bottom (not deep, just enough to pierce the skin of the tomato). Place in a pot of boiling water. Allow the tomato to boil for about 2-3 minutes. Once the skin is starting to curl up off the tomato, where you cut it, remove from the water. Allow to cool for about a minute. Then peel the skin off the tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove all of the seeds.
Add the tomato, cheese, and onion into a food processor (start light on the onion and add as desired for flavor) Pulse until fully combined. Mixture will be spreadable. If too runny add more cheese to thicken.
Spread onto bread and serve on a sandwich. Store in refrigerator if not serving immediately