Friday 10 June 2016

Seeded Rusks

Seeded Rusks
  • 235 g Cake Flour
  • 10 ml (2 tsp) Baking Powder
  • 5 ml (1 tsp) Bicarbonate of Soda
  • 5 ml (1 tsp) Salt
  • 285 g Whole Wheat Flour
  • 165 g Sugar
  • 90 g All Bran Flakes
  • 115 g Oats
  • 120 g Almonds, Roughly Chopped
  • 250 g Mixture of Seeds like: Pumpkin Seeds, Linseed, and Sunflower Seeds
  • 250 g Flora Original, Melted
  • 325 ml (11/3 Cup) Water
  • 15 ml (1 tbsp) Apple Cider Vinegar

Preparation (for 60 portions)

for seeded rusks

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease a 27 cm x 35 cm deep dish oven pan with Flora.
  2. Sift the cake flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, salt and whole wheat flour together.
  3. Add the sugar, all bran flakes, oats, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and linseeds.
  4. Whisk the melted Flora Original, water and apple cider vinegar together until well combined.
  5. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until well combined.
  6. Pour the mixture into the prepared oven pan and bake for 40 – 50 minutes or until golden brown and a skewer comes out clean. Turn out on a wire rack and leave to cool down.
  7. Preheat the oven to 90°C.
  8. Slice into fingers. And leave the rusks to dry in the oven for 2-3hours or until completely dry. Store in an airtight container.