Tuesday 2 June 2015

Peppermint crisp tart ice cream sandwiches

Porchie Hamman
Verdubbel die resep. Gebruik chocmint tennisbeskuitjies. ñ Reghoekige bak waarin 3 beskuitjies dwars en 5 af pas werk 100%

Peppermint crisp tart ice cream sandwiches
(serves 6)
1 packet coconut biscuits
1 cup cream
1/2 tin caramel
1 peppermint crisp bar, crumbled

Beat the cream until stiff then fold in the caramel and peppermint crisp, leaving a few swirls. Freeze the mixture in a baking dish so it’s about 2cm thick, until firm.
Once firm, arrange the tennis biscuits on top and cut the ice cream into squares. Remove each square, sandwiching another tennis biscuit on the bottom of each ice cream slice. Arrange on a baking tray and freeze again until firm.