Tuesday 11 February 2014

Peach Iced Tea Lollies

Peach Iced Tea Lollies

3 cups boiling water
8 Freshpak Rooibos tea bags
1/2 cup of sugar...
250ml of peach juice
Fresh peaches for garnish

1. Pour 3 cups of boiling water over tea bags.
2. Let tea steep for about 5 minutes and then remove bags and discard.
3. Add sugar to hot water, stir until dissolved.
4. Add peach juice and stir.
5. Pour tea mixture into a jug and refrigerate.
6. Once cooled, pour into prepared ice lolly trays and place in the freezer overnight.
7. To serve, remove the lollies from the freezer and place on a tray served with sliced peaches as garnish.

Makes 8 lollies.