Thursday 18 July 2013


CHEQUER CAKE (serves 10)
for the sponge:
225 g butter
275g icing sugar, sifted
6 extra large eggs , beaten
3 tsp vanilla essence
350 g cake flour
1½ tbsp baking powder
25 g cocoa powder
for the ganache
275 g plain chocolate
300 ml cream
to finish
10 plain chocolate truffels
3 tbsp drambuie
Preheat oven to 190°C. Lightly grease and base-line 3, 20cm sandwich tins with non-stick baking parchment.
Cream butter and icing sugar together until pale and fluffy
Gradually beat in eggs and vanilla
Sift flour and baking powder together and fold into the creamed mixture.
Devide mixture between two bowls and fold cocoa into one.
Spoon each micture into a large piping bag fitted with a 12mm plain nozzle. Pipe a ring of chocolate mixture around outer edge of 2 prepared tins. Pipe plain mixture around outer edge of remaining tin. Continue piping alternate rings in concentric circles until base of tin is covered.
Bake for 20 min until risen and springly to the touch. Cool in tins for 10 min then turn out, remove paper , cool completely.
for the ganache:
Put chocolate and cream into a heavy-based saucepan and heat gently for 3-4 min, stirring occationally until choc has melted. Pour into a bowl and whip until thick and glossy. CHILL
Pour 1 tbsp Drambuie over each layer of cake. Spread one-third of the chocolate filling over one choc edge sponge. Put plain edged sponge on top and spread with half the remaining choc mixture. Put last cake on top and spread with remaining filling over the top and sides.