Ek dink as daar nou een mens is wat weet waarvan hy praat as dit kom by rose, is dit Ludwig Taschner. Julie maand is in SA roos snoei maand en baie mense is nogal skrikkerig hiervoor. Daar is egter goeie nuus vir die tuiniers wat nie "snoei-kenners" is nie. Tuiniers soos ek en jy wat lief is vir rose, maar nie altyd dalk die tyd het of die kennis om te snoei en spuit waar en wanneer nodig nie.....
Hier is 'n stukkie wat ek aanhaal uit sy nuusbrief, wat dit net weereens beklemtoon hoe maklik dit eintlik kan wees om rose in jou tuin te hê......
Step by Step Rose Care for July – Pruning time!
Pruning time is around the corner. I suppose I could just copy what I wrote 20 or 30 years ago and it would still be accurate. The principals remain the same.
- Roses do not need to be pruned!
- Rose pruning is EASY!
- You cannot prune a rose wrongly!
- The best pruning time is the second half of July. However, the rose will still perform well if it is done in June or end August!
- Sealing of cut wounds after pruning is not necessary.
- Spraying with Lime Sulphur after pruning is not necessary.
When I travel around in South Africa as well as other countries and see a rose standing strong and solitary in a garden or park, close inspection shows that this is a “neglected” bush that has hardly ever been pruned and depends more or less on nature to receive water and nutrition.
Obviously it was planted in good soil, allowing the roots to spread wide and deep with a natural good drainage and water holding capacity. However, it was the neglect and not the pruning that allowed such a bush to just carry on growing and developing, making a larger leaf canopy every year resulting in a larger root system.