Basil Pesto-4 cups basil,roughly torn,1-2 garlic cloves,1 cup(toasted pine nuts(is baie duur,ek vat sommer handvol amandelsplinters of sonneblomsaad,net so rou),+- 1 teelepel salt,1/
Monday, 7 May 2012
Basil Pesto
Esmè du Plessis-vanWyk
Basil Pesto-4 cups basil,roughly torn,1-2 garlic cloves,1 cup(toasted pine nuts(is baie duur,ek vat sommer handvol amandelsplinters of sonneblomsaad,net so rou),+- 1 teelepel salt,1/4 cup Parmesan,+- 1 cup olyfolie.Blend basil,nuts,garlic,salt,add cheese.Slowly pour in olive oil,season with salt and pepper.Store in air-tight container.Die lekkerte is dat die bestandele nie presies afgemeet hoef te wees nie,solank die balans net reg is en die olyfolie genoeg is om dit 'n sagte tekstuur te gee.
Basil Pesto-4 cups basil,roughly torn,1-2 garlic cloves,1 cup(toasted pine nuts(is baie duur,ek vat sommer handvol amandelsplinters of sonneblomsaad,net so rou),+- 1 teelepel salt,1/