Baked sandwiches (recipe slightly changed)
PROVIDE / Pic. Aletta Lintvelt
For 6 | Preparation time 15 minutes | Cooking time 30 minutes
You need
• 4 tablespoons butter (plus extra to smear the bowl)
• about 12 slices of bread of your choice
• 6 slices of ham
• 12 slices of cheddar
• 1 tomato
• 5 eggs
• ¼ cup milk or cream
• 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard
A pinch of salt
1. Spray and Cook a dish (33 x 23 cm) and spread the butter on the bread (both sides).
2. Pack a layer of bread on the bottom in the dish. Pack the ham, cheese and tomato on top, followed by another layer of bread.
3. Beat the eggs, milk, mustard, salt and pepper well together and pour it over the bread. Cover the bowl with cling wrap and let it stand in the fridge overnight.
4. Heat the oven to 180 o C and bake for 30 minutes.