Tuesday 28 August 2018

Waterblommetjie & Lamb Bredie

Waterblommetjie & Lamb Bredie
400 g waterblommetjies
500 g lamb cubes
30 ml butter
15 ml olive oil, plus extra
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped (my addition)
2 large potatoes, peeled and cut into small blocks
2 T curry paste (I added 4 T)
400 ml coconut milk
1 can peeled and chopped tomatoes (my addition)
3/4 t sugar
16 small vine tomatoes
Rinse waterblommetjies and soak in lightly salted water for 30 minutes to an hour.
In a large heavy based pan on medium-high heat heat the olive oil and fry the lamb cubes in batches till browned on all sides. Remove and set aside.
Heat butter on medium-low, in same pan. Add a splash of olive oil. Fry onions till soft.
Add garlic and potatoes and stir.
Stir in coconut milk, curry paste, salt and simmer with the lid on for 10 minutes.
Rinse waterblommetjies well. In a pot of salted water, boil till al dente, in much the same way you would pasta. This should take 6 -8 minutes. Refresh under cold water.
Add the canned tomatoes, sugar, lamb, more salt as needed and cook for 40 minutes on medium-low heat with the lid almost fully closed.
When the potatoes are soft and the lamb tender, add the waterblommetjies and vine tomatoes. Cook for 6-10 minutes with the lid off, allowing the liquid to thicken.
Adjust seasoning. I left my bredie to cool with the lid on and served it the next day.
Serve with basmati rice and a fruit chutney.