Wednesday 28 January 2015

Biltong Sandwiches with Beefy Butter

Biltong Sandwiches with Beefy Butter
Makes 6 sandwiches

Biltong makes delicious sandwiches, especially if you butter the bread generously with delectable Beefy Butter.

± 20g biltong per sandwich


125g salted butter at room temperature
1 x 25g Ina Paarman's Liquid Beef Stock Concentrate

12 slices of bread (sandwich loaf)
120g finely sliced biltong (beef or game)
Butter lettuce (not when freezing sandwiches)

Process or cream together the butter and Beef Stock Concentrate. Spread the slices generously with beefy Butter. Top 6 slices with butter lettuce. Sprinkle sliced biltong over lettuce and top with remaining buttered bread. Cut sandwiches across on the diagonal. Wrap and use, freeze the rest in labelled sandwich bags. Extra butter can be refrigerated or frozen.

Beefy Butter is delicious spread over grilled steak as soon as it comes off the pan or braai or stirred into sautéed mushrooms.