Thursday 11 July 2013

Groen Pawpaw (papaya) Chutney en groen pawpaw pampoen

Wilna Dorfling

Hiermee resep wat ek gemaak het asook wat ek op ander blad gekry het : Green Papaya Chutney Resep op Internet gekry en veranderings aangebring
• 6 cups green papaya, peeled and cut int
o 1-inch cubes
• 2 cups finely chopped onion
• 1 cup seedless raisins
• 4 cloves garlic, chopped
• 6 fresh hot red peppers, seeded and chopped
• 4 red or green bell peppers, seeded and chopped
• ¼ cup ginger root, finely grated

• ½ teaspoon allspice
• 2 cups tomatoes, peeled and chopped
• 1 Tablespoon salt
• 2 cups vinegar
Sien nota onder
• 2 ½ cups sugar
• Put all ingredients except sugar into a large pan, bring to boil
• Lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes Ek het langer , dalk was my Pawpaws bietjie te groen maar dit moet so deursigtig wees amper soos makataan
• Add sugar and cook uncovered, stirring from time to time until mixture is thick, about 45 minutes
• Process and seal in canning jars while still hot
Like all chutneys, this one is a better if you let it age for a few months before using it. Chutney is generally used as a condiment or a sauce. Mix a bit of it in sour cream or yogurt and you have a good dip to go with your munchies. When you're down to poverty rations, a bit of chutney with your plain rice turns bland refugee fare into a South Asian delicacy.
Nota : Ek het 1 teelepel paprika bygevoeg aangesien ek net groen Chilis gehad het asook n botteltjie Sweet Chili sauce want ek’t gedink dit lyk effe dun en ek het dit baie lank gekook.

Nou-Ja hier is my kooksels**Helena Chilli Kruger net bietjie meer chillis bygegooi**soos gewoonlik****
Rina Kleinhans
Moes darem vir Helena 'n chilli resep ook opsit
Chilli & Pawpaw Chutney
Huletts recipe
Makes approximately 5 cups of chutney which can be kept up to 6 months
7 Black Peppercorns
1 Whole Nutmeg
1 Pawpaw, peeled and coarsely chopped
2 Apples, peeled and coarsely chopped
2 Tomatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped
500 ml (2C) Huletts Yellow Sugar
750 ml (3C) White Vinegar
10 ml(2t)Coarse Salt
3 Fresh Red Chillies, deseeded and finely chopped
10 ml (2t)Fresh Grated Ginger
Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan.
Stir constantly until the sugar is dissolved.
Let the chutney simmer uncovered for approximately 1 ½ hours or until it has thickened.
Remove peppercorns and nutmeg.
Spoon the hot chutney into hot sterilised jars.
Seal the jars while they are still hot.26/9/12

Rina Kleinhans
2 pas-ryp middelslag papajas
1 kg uie
900ml wit asyn
1kg wit suiker
5ml fyngesnyde knoffel
5ml gemaalde gemmer
5ml sout
2ml od meer rissiepeper
Sny die papaja in blokkies op. Skil die uie en kap dit grof op. Verhit die uie en asyn tot kookpunt en kook dit 10min lank. Voeg die papajablokkies by en kook dit sowat ‘n uur lank oor matige hitte.
Voeg die res van die bestandele by. Roer die mengsel totdat al die suiker opgelos is en prut dit tot dk.
Bottel die blatjang warm en verseel dadelik. *Lekker vir later*