Friday 20 May 2011

Pampoenkoekies met vla-sous

Pumpkin Fritters (Pampoenkoekies)
500ml pumpkin, cooked
250 ml flour
20ml baking powder
2 eggs, beaten
little milk
oil for deep frying.
Sift the flour and baking powder. Add the eggs and pumpkin. Thin the mixture with a little milk, if too stiff.
Drop spoonfuls of batter into hot oil and deep fry until golden brown.
Serve warm with cinnamon and sugar or with syrup.
Makes 26
Syrup (Optional)
250ml sugar
375ml water
15ml lemon juice
25ml margarine
15ml custard powder
30ml milk
5ml cinnamon
pinch of salt.
Bring sugar, water, lemon juice and margarine to the boil. Mix custard with milk to a paste. Add custard, salt and cinnamon to the syrup.
Pour warm sauce over fritters and serve.