Tuesday 22 August 2017

Quick steak-and-mushroom pies

Quick steak-and-mushroom pies
Serves 6
•6 x 125 g pieces of steak
•15 ml (1 tbsp.) olive oil
•Salt and ground black pepper...
•2 x 400 g pie crust dough, defrosted
•250 g mushrooms, finely chopped
•15 ml (1 tbsp.) full grain mustard
•1 egg, gently whisked
•Preheat the oven to 200 ° C

1 Heat a griddle pan to smoking hot. Cut the meat into the correct serving sizes and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle olive oil over. Fry each steak quickly on both sides until golden brown. Allow to cool down.

2 Saute the mushrooms in a medium-frying pan until cooked and stir in the mustard. Allow to cool down.

3 Roll the dough out slightly and cut into 12 cm circles. Put the steak on half of the dough circles and paint the edges with the beaten egg. Add a scoop of mushroom to each circle. Top each circle with another dough circle. Fold the edges of the dough over and squeeze tight. Paint the top with a whipped egg.

4 Bake for 10 min. Until golden brown. Eat warm with a fresh salad.
