Tuesday 7 July 2015

Sjokolade en Karamel Sous vir roomys

250ml suiker
125ml water
50ml kakao
knippie kremetart
12,5ml margarine
knippie sout
3ml vanieljegeursel

Kook die suiker, water, kakao en kremetart goed saam.
Roer deeglik.
Verwyder van hitte en roer die margarine, sout en geursel in.
Sit die sous warm voor saam met roomys.
Volg dieselfde metode en mikrogolf die sous 4 minute by 100% krag.
Roer goed na 2 minute en daarna elke minuut.

Caramel Sauce: Ingredients

1 cup heavy cream

3.25 oz. light corn syrup
4.5 oz. sugar
1.5 tbsp unsalted butter
Preparation - Bring the cream to a boil in a small saucepan and then let cool. Place the corn syrup and sugar into a saucepan. Make sure the saucepan is big enough, or the caramel will foam over when the butter and cream is added. I usually make this in a 2 quart saucepan. Heat the corn syrup and sugar until it turns to a golden caramel color. Remove from heat and immediately stir in the butter and then the cream (watch for splattering and foaming). Whisk briskly to incorporate all of the cream and watch for chunks of hardened sugar at the bottom of the pan. Once the cream is incorporated, immediately cool the saucepan in ice water to stop the cooking process.The sauce is best used on warm desserts as it solidifies as it cools. On ice cream, for example, it usually is too hard to easily scoop up and mix with the ice cream. The flavor is top rate - the vanilla plus caramel plus flavoring that comes from the bourbon all work together to give the sauce something extra that sets it apart from other caramel sauces.