Monday 8 June 2015

My 5 minute Crunchie Recipe

My 5 minute Crunchie Recipe
2 cups flour
2 cups coconut
2 cups jungle oats...
2 cups brown sugar
200g marg or butter
6 T syryp
5ml bicarb

Pinch salt
Mix dry ingredients together. In a microwave melt butter in a glass bowl, add syryp. Add bicarb and place back in microwave till it foams. Stir into dry ingreds. Mixture should be firm enough so that you are able to press it down into a baking tray. Bake on 180 for 15 mins or until crunchies brown. Slice into squares while still warm. Store in an air tight container. You can add whatever you like to this basic mixture - cherries, nuts, cranberries, choc chips are just a few.