Thursday 28 May 2015

Eggs In a Basket

Eggs In a Basket
4 servings
•Olive oil cooking spray
•4 slices of soft, 100% whole-wheat sandwich bread
•2 tablespoons butter
•4 large eggs
•½ teaspoon kosher salt
•¼ teaspoon black pepper
•¼ teaspoon paprika
1.Heat oven to 400 degrees F (204 C). Spray four 1-cup ramekins with olive oil cooking spray and place them on a baking sheet. Or use a muffin pan.
2.Butter the bread slices all over, then place each slice of bread inside a ramekin, pressing gently to tuck it inside the ramekin, allowing flower-like edges to form.  Break an egg into each slice.
3.Bake until whites are cooked, around 20 minutes. Yolks will likely be semi-soft at this point.
4.Remove from oven. Gently release each basket from its ramekin. If a little egg spilled and the basket is stuck, gently run a small knife around the edges and then release. Season the baskets with salt, black pepper and paprika, and serve. You don't even need a knife and a fork - these can be eaten using your hands, just like an open-face sandwich.