Thursday 26 March 2015

Potato Bread

Potato Bread
4 cups of cake flour or strong bread flour ...
2 cups of mashed potato that's already been mashed with a little butter and a cups worth of milk or water . The mash must be a bit runny .
1 egg
1&1/2 teaspoons of salt
2 teaspoons of sugar .
1 packet of instant yeast .

1 extra egg for egg wash
Mix all ingredients together to form a soft dough , here I use a spoon until all ingredients comes together nicely , then I add a little extra flour to start the kneading ...about 8 minutes .
You can also flour a surface and knead on your table . When done kneading rub a little oil in your big round bowl and dab a little oil over the dough . Place the dough into the oiled bowl and cover with a clean tea cloth or cling wrap and just set aside to rise for about 1&1/2 hours .
Next step is to knock down the risen dough and then shape into a bread or round bread , rolls or a platted bread ... Allow to proof for about an hour . Next egg wash your bread and bake in a preheated oven at 190degc for about 45 minutes to an hour. ..or golden brown on top and a hollow sound when you tap on the bread. Remember if you are going to make rolls or a flatter bread you will need less time to bake keep an eye on it .
Remove from oven and allow the bread to rest a bit before serving with butter , cheese or jam .