Thursday 10 July 2014

Old fashioned Bean Soup

Old fashioned Bean Soup: (Easy, Nutritious and Economical)
You need:
1 Packet of Red Speckled Beans (500g)
400g Soft Shin cut into 3cm squares
1 Vegetable Stock cube
4 Patatoes (unpeeled, cut into blocks)
1 Large Onion chopped
50 ml olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Rinse the beans under running water until clean
Place beans in a large pot and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil and keep boiling for 20 mintues stirring often. Switch stove plate off and let the beans cool off.
Fry the onion in the olive oil until soft. Add salt and the soft shin and fry until slightly brown. Now add the vegetable stock cube and potatoes and stir through. Add this mixture to the beans and water and bring to the boil - adding extra water if necessary to cover the beans completely.
Boil for 2 - 3 hours stirring now and then, or put in a crockpot or slow cooker for 2 hours on high, reduce the heat and simmer for another 3 hours on medium heat.
Serve with Worcestershire sauce
Outydse Boontjiesop
Jy benodig:
1 Pakkie Red Speckled beans (500g)
400g Soft Shin in blokkies gesny
1 Groente ekstrakblokkie
4 Aartappels (ongeskil in blokkies gesny)
1 Groot ui fyngekap
50 ml olyfolie
Sout en Peper na smaak
Spoel die boontjies deeglik af in lopende koue water tot skoon
Plaas in ’n baie groot kastrol. Bedek met koue water en bring tot by kookpunt. Kook vir so 20 minute terwyl jy kort-kort roer. Skakel die stoofplaat af en laat die bone afkoel.
Braai nou die ui in die olyfolie tot sag en deurskynend. Voeg die soft shin en sout na smaak by en braai tot effens bruin. Voeg nou die groente ekstrakblokkie en aartappels by en roer deur. Voeg nou hierdie mengsel by die afgekoelde bone en bring tot kookpunt. Vul die water aan om bone heeltemaal te bedek.
Kook nou stadig vir 2 - 3 ure of plaas in ’n prutpot (slowcooker) op hoog vir 2 ure, verlaag na medium en prut vir nog 3 ure.
Bedien met Worcestershire sous indien verkies.