Tuesday 13 May 2014

Wurmpartytjie Idees

'n Wurm uitnodiging van elke gas

Versiering teen die muur

Verjaarsdagkoek idees

Wurmbrakke, sny weenseworsies en maak effens warm sodat dit 'n bietjie kan buig en lyk soos 'n wurm

'n Idee vir die tafel (iets soos rice krispies sal lekker werk om hierdie wurm te maak)

'n Visstok met 'n wurmpie aan

Maak jellie wurms in 'n strooitjie

Pak strooitjies in ‘n koppie en maak dit stewig vas met ‘n rubber bandjie. Gooi jellie stadig en versigtig in die strooitjies. Sodra die jellie gestol het, spoel af met warm water sodat die “wurms” los kom van die strooitjies.

Sit net jellie tots aan die punte sodat dit nie uitloop nie....

2 packs (3 oz) Raspberry jello
1 pkg unflavored gelatin (for extra firmness)
3/4 cup whipping cream
3 cups boiling water
15 drops green food coloring
100 flexible straws (or enough to fill your container)
Tall container (1 quart or 1 liter carton of milk)
1) Combine gelatin in bowl and add boiling water.
2) Let it cool to lukewarm and then add the whipping cream and 15 drops green food coloring.
3) Gather your straws (don't forget to flex them out) and put them in the container. It's important that the straws have a tight fit so the jello stays in the straws. For this reason, a 1 liter carton may be better; you will probably get longer worms since there is a tighter fit. If you have a bigger container, a rubber band around the straws is helpful. Or you could just add more straws to fill the container.
4) Add the gelatin mixture to the straw-filled container and let it set until firm.
5) There are multiple ways you can remove the worms from the straws. You can roll a rolling pin over the straws and squeeze them out or you can hold the straws over warm water. The worms will slip right out.
And voila! Jello worms are served.

Sit suurwurms in 'n ysbakkie, laat hulle so 'n bietjie oorhang, vul die vormpie met koeldrank en vries.

Geskenk idee vir elke gas