Wednesday 29 January 2014

The Snackadium

The Snackadium
We started with a clean (large) space covered in aluminum foil with the “field” pan empty and waiting. 
 We then surrounded it with the retaining wall of Krispie treats, which I had made the night before in a jelly roll pan (3 boxes of Krispies and 4 bags of marshmallows). 
Next, we made the little sandwiches and surrounded the field with them. Careful to space them far enough apart to cover the area, but close enough that they could make a wall and be self supportive.
After that, we slowly and carefully placed the “fans,” aka: chips, in between the inside and outside walls and watched the stadium come to life!
 We filled in the field with the proper dippings (homemade guac, salsa and cheese dip) and secured the goal posts into place (thanks to Nicole’s idea of making a cheese-block base). 
 Then we placed the yard markers with sour cream from a piping bag.
With that, the snackadium was complete and there were many “oohs and ahhhs.” 
A real sight, this monster of munchies was just what we were hoping for and the paparazzi were quick to document this feat.
 As pictures really don’t to this justice, we tried to put it into perspective and put $20 bills along the length. 
 Pretty big indeed!
 From the sheer size, I never thought our small group of 12 would make a dent on this, but oh what a dent we made!
Phase I consumption:
 Phase II:
 As we were left with a full retainer wall of Rice Krispie treats, we decided to make some lobster pops for to-go treats (not football related, but fun)!