Wednesday 11 December 2013


Lourens de Lange

100 g Gluten-free self-raising flour (plus extra for dusting)
100 g buckwheat flour

2 level tsp Gluten-free baking powder
1 level tsp salt
3 tbsp mixed seeds (containing sunflower, pumpkin, hemp, sesame, rape and flax seeds)
150 ml natural yogurt

2 baking sheets, greased and floured.

Heat the grill until really hot.
Put the flours into a bowl, add the baking powder, salt and 2 tbsp of the seeds.
Stir in the yogurt and just enough water (3-4 tbsp) to make a soft dough.
Devide the dough into 8 equal pieces, then shape each piece into an oval about 5 mm thick and put them on to the baking sheets. Sprinkle with the rest of the seeds.
Grill them for 3-5 minutes each side, until golden brown and slightly puffed.
Serve warm with cheese, pickles and crunchy leaves.
The bread are best made and eaten as you need them.