Tuesday 13 August 2013


Fiesta Pullskein(50g balls). 350g pink,50g white,oddments of black yarn for muzzle and claws.
4mm knitting needles,oddments of felt for e...yes,black ribbon about 2cm wide,filling

Measurements- Entire length 95cm
Note- Work in garter stitch throughout.

Using pink,c/on 30st an knit 76 rows. C/off.

ARMS(make 2)
Using pink,c/on 20st and knit 82 rows. C/off.

LEGS(make 2)
Using pink,c/on 22st and knit 96 rows.
Next row: Knit 16,turn,knit 10. Cont working on these 10st for 10 rows.
Next row: Pick up 10st along side of the 10st strip,knit remaining 6sts.
Next row: K26,pick up 10st along opposite side of the 10st strip,knit remaining 6sts.
Knit 18 rows. C/off.

Using pink,c/on 14st and knit 52 rows. C/off.

Using white,c/on 10st and knit 126 rows. C/off.

EARS(make 2 pink and 2 white)
C/on 8st. Inc 1st at each end of every row until there are 12st on needle. Knit 4 rows. Dec 1st at each end of next and every row until 8st remain. C/off.

Using pink,c/on 8st. Inc 1st at each end of every alt row until there are 24st.
Next row: K8,c/off 8,K8. Cont working on 8st increasing for cheek on one side only, 1st every alt row until there are 12st. Knit 8 rows.
Next row: On same side,dec 1st every row until 1st remain. Fasten off.
Join yarn to rem 8st and complete 2nd cheek to match first,reversing shaping.

Using pink,c/on 12st. Inc 1st at ech end of every alt row until there are 32st. Knit 8 rows.
Dec 1st at each end of next and every alt row until 8st rem. C/off.

Using pink,c/on 7st and knit 126 rows. C/off.

Fold leg and arm pieces in half lengthwise ans stitch,closing lower end. Fill arms and legs and leave aside.
Join ears by stitching together one white and one pink piece.DO NOT FILL.
Stitch nose into opening on front of face,being careful to fit it in evenly. Join head back to head front along sides.
Fit white chest strip into nose opening and attach it as far as neck. Join rem part of white strip to pink body. Stitch close along base of body. There is now only one opening at back of neck. Fill head and body,stitch neck opening.
Position ears on head and stitch.
Fold tail in half lengthwise and stitch-do not fill.
Position arms and legs and tail and stitch.
Sew on black pompon for nose. Work muzzle and claws with black yarn.
Cut felt for eyes. Tie black bow around neck and lower end of tail.

(Your Family Magazine January 1984)