Tuesday 22 May 2012

Smoked Snoek Tartlets

makes 12 tartlets


For the crust
125 gr butter - cut in blocks
250 ml flour
250 ml grated cheese
1 tsp curry powder
Place all ingredients in a food processor and blitz until it just comes together. Place a piece of dough (the size of a walnut) in the bottoms of a 12 serving muffin pan and flatten to form the crust.

For the filling
500 g smoked snoek or angelfish - deboned and flaked
500 ml Greek yogurt
125 ml chopped parsley
3 eggs

Mix all the filling ingredients and spoon into all the muffin holes. Bake for 20-25 minutes and serve with a steaming cup of chunky vegetable soup.

(My Easy Cooking)