Wednesday 11 April 2012

Tamaties - Te veel ?

As jy 'n oorvloed van tamaties het uit jou groentetuin, of 'n gawe vriend of vriendin het sy/haar oes met jou gedeel, is hier bietjie raad vir wanneer jy net-net te veel het vir die huishouding se gebruik.  (Ons plaas die inligting sommer so in Engels en Afrikaans soos ons dit ook ontvang het.)

1. Freeze tomatoes whole without any wrapping. When hard, put them in plastic bags in the freezer. Use as needed in stews, casseroles, etc. Once semi-defrosted the skins peel away and they are a breeze to use.  (Wenk Ina Paarman - en uit ondervinding weet ons dit werk baie goed.)

2. Cut fresh tomatoes into quarters spread out on a baking sheet. Season with our Seasoned Sea Salt and some sugar. Bake at 200°C (open) until tomatoes start browning. Cool and freeze in plastic bags. Because some of the moisture has been driven off (in the process the flavour becomes concentrated) and the fibre has been broken down, the tomatoes take up much less space in the freezer. Use as above. Excellent in a tomato and onion smoor. (Wenk Ina Paarman)

3. En dan natuurlik kan jy konfyt kook.  Loer bietjie by Inmaak en preserfeer op ons blad vir lekker reseppies.