Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Maak jou eie lavender kerse vir 'n onthaal

Maak klein lavender kersies vir ‘n onthaal tafel.  Plaas hulle in ‘n glasbak met water en gooi lavender blomme oral rondom in die bak.  Jy sal ‘n heerlike geur in die lug hê en geen muskiet of vlieg in sig nie.  (Metode om die kersies te maak – sien hieronder ‘n maklike en goedkoop manier.)

Fragrant Lavender-scented insect repelling candles.

6 white candles
1 teaspoon of blue or purple wax crayon scrapings
2 tablespoons English lavender flowers and buds stripped of their stems
1 teaspoon lavender oil
1 teaspoon citronella oil

1.        Melt candles in an old saucepan.  Add wax crayon scrapings.  Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
2.       Pour into paper cups (not polystyrene) or milk cartons in which you have fixed a wick.
3.       Fix the wicks (of the candles you have melted down) by knotting the end through a hole in the carton.  Seal it with masking tape underneath and tie the other end to a pencil that lies across the top of the cup.
4.       Allow to set.  Top up with more wax as a dimple is often left near the wick.
5.       Peel away the paper once the candle has set and trim off any rough spots with a sharp knife.
6.       Once you light it, add the odd drop of lavender oil to the melted wax under the flame.