Thursday 26 March 2015

Tomato Bredie / Stew

Tomato Bredie / Stew
15-20 pieces of red meat / lamb or mutton . ...
8 potatoes peeled and cut cubes
3 onions peeled and chopped finely
200 grams of tomato paste
3 tablspoons of vegetable oil
Salt to Taste

1 tablespoon of freshly ground blackpepper
3 to 4 tablespoons of sugar ( very important , to balance out the acidity in the tomato paste .$
2 whole chillies ( optional)
3 all spice ( optional )
Finely chopped garlic ( optional)
In a large pot on high heat , heat oil and add onions and fry till brown , add meat and fry with onions till very brown , this will intensify the colours and flavors. Now add your black pepper and salt and whole chillies... Add a cup of warm water and now on medium heat simmer meat till water are cooked away , repeat this process twice or thrice.... Or until meat is almost tender . Now add all the tomato paste and half a cup of sugar , do not add any water , just on medium heat allow the tomato paste to cook though and infuse into meat by stirring while braising . After 5 minutes add your potatoes , a cup and a half of warm water and cook on medium to high heat for 10 minutes stirring once or twice , then allow to simmer for another 10 minutes until potatoes are nice and tender .
You may add chopped tomatoes if you wish .
Serve with Basmati rice