Wednesday 25 March 2015

Pumpkin Vetkoek

Pumpkin Vetkoek
Makes 16
You need
  • 240g (430 ml) cake flour
  • 20 ml baking powder
  • 2 ml salt
  • 15 ml butter
  • 125 ml milk
  • 125 ml pumpkin purée
  • 300 ml sunflower oil, for frying
  1. Sift the dry ingredients together. Rub in the butter. Add the milk and pumpkin purée and mix well. Heat the oil in a deep pan.
  2. Test with a little of the mixture whether the oil is hot enough – it should start frying. It’s also a good idea to dip your tablespoon in the hot oil before spooning the mixture, because then the dough will slide off the spoon more easily. Then spoon tablespoons of the mixture into the hot oil and fry on both sides until golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper and serve hot with syrup.