Tuesday 17 March 2015

Edgy Veggie Tart

Met die nuwe Koekedoor reeks het hierdie tert vir my uitgestaan:  Daleen Van der Merwe! se spiraaltert resep het heerlike brosdeeg en groenterepe in twee kaas bechamelsous. Kruie en eetbare blomme. Resep gaan in nuwe Koekedoorboek wees.

Hierdie is nou nie Daleen se resep nie, maar tot die resepteboek uit is kan ons maar hierdie een beproef

Edgy Veggie Tart
•Pastry •170 g of plain white flour, sifted
•pinch of salt
•85 g of butter, cold and chopped into small pieces
•a few drops of cold water
•beaten egg white (optional)
•Filling •500 g ricotta
•1 large egg
•2 Tbsp Italian seasoning (Or other spices to taste, this is a very flexible recipe.)
•Veggie Spiral •1 medium eggplant
•1 medium zucchini
•2 large carrots
•Olive oil (for brushing)
•Salt and pepper to taste

•Sift the flour into a bowl. Add in the butter, and rub together until it is fully incorporated and resembles breadcrumbs.
•Add a few drops of water until it comes together in a ball. The dough won’t be entirely smooth, but it should hold together without crumbling.
•Wrap the dough in cling film, and let it sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to an hour.
•Preheat the oven to 180C, and grease a 9 inch pie pan with butter.
•Roll out the dough (letting it sit for up to 20 minutes if it is too cold directly out of the fridge) until it is a circle about 11 inches across. Gently lift it into the prepared pan, and press it into the corners. Pinch edges to decorate as desired. Return to the fridge for 5-10 minutes.
•Prick the bottom with a fork several times. Then either line the dough with greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans or brush the dough with egg white.
•Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until just turning golden brown.
•Meanwhile, mix together the ricotta, egg, and Italian seasoning (or flavorings of your choice).
•Slice vegetables very thin, and check to make sure they are all approximately the same width. (I did this by cutting my eggplant and zucchini in half and then slicing each of those thinly. This left every piece with a strip of color, which makes the tart look really pretty.)
•Starting at the center, roll a slice of carrot into a tight spiral. Wrap that in a slice of zucchini and then one of eggplant. Continue to wrap in a spiral, alternating vegetables, until the spiral is about 8-9 inches across. An extra pair of hands definitely helps with this step! If you don’t have them around, get yourself some heavy objects to prop the ends of the slices in place. (I used an extra eggplant and carrot that I had around.)
•Spread the filling on the bottom of the tart, and then gently lift the vegetable spiral and place it on the filling. If you have wrapped fairly tightly, it should all hold together. Be brave and trust yourself and go for it!
•Press the veggie spiral down firmly into the ricotta filling. Brush the top with olive oil, and then season with salt and pepper.
•Turn up the oven to 190C and bake for 40-50 minutes, covering with foil towards the end to prevent burning.