Friday 9 May 2014

bone marrow recipe

Carolyn Neser
OK Here goes for the bone marrow recipe
what you need to buy first and foremost .. what you might not have to hand in the home, is marrow bone and fresh herbs .. the rest of the ingredients are pretty standard ...
start with marrow bones from Woolies bc they are the only people who clean the outside of the bone properly so that no unsightly gobbets are sticking .. and floating.

take two packets of bone marrow, at least a kilo bc most of the weight is the bone itself, and boil it in salted water for between thirty and sixty minutes. get your blender ready .. or your hand blender and a jug .. better still .. if you want to, use the water to soak your dogs or kitty's pellets ..
scrape the marrow out into the jug/ blender, add butter/ margarine, flour, fresh herbs/ garlic/ sweet peppers to taste and perhaps even some stock tablets to taste ...
blend the whole lot together and then freeze in small tupperware tubs or even ice trays.. you can now add the richness of marrow to stews and soups .. all the hard work has been done. i mix the flour in now because the marrow is mostly fat and therefore highly suitable to be mixed in with the starch .. and then you dont have to worry about lumps in the stew ..

i add the flour for two reasons: then the mixing of the flour that you would normally add to thicken a stew or soup is now DONE and you dont have to worry about lumps, and also, well the marrow itself may be very tasty and nutritious, but without the flour it isnt such a very aesthetically appealing mix .. looks more like sn#t .. so the flour helps to make it more acceptable ../