Thursday 17 April 2014

Garbage Disposal Tablets

I adore my garbage disposal. Until about three years ago, I was putting raw garbage into old shopping bags, tying the handles and taking it out to the garage to put in our large waste bin. I couldn’t stand having it in the garbage in the kitchen. Raw garbage stinks within hours (sometimes minutes), causing you to have to change garbage bags over and over.

When we got our disposal, everything changed. Everything became so much easier. I actually enjoyed peeling carrots and potatoes. Clean-up was a breeze. Then, a couple months later, I smelled something. I could actually smell this horrible odor when I opened up the doors under the sink. I could smell it through the pipes. That was the day I learned you needed to clean a disposal, too. I know, I know. Dumb, right? Growing up we never had a disposal. This was my first one. How was I to know?
Thankfully, I’ve learned a thing or two since then, and now, I actually make my own freshener tablets to keep the stench away for good.
All you need to do is grab a muffin or brownie pan. If you don’t have either of those, just use an ice cube tray. Slice up some lemons and limes and place a few in each of the cups.
Now, get some distilled white vinegar.
Fill each cup up almost to the top. Are you having fun yet? I sure am. These tablets are so easy to make, and I love the smell of lemons and limes. You could even use orange peels if you’d prefer.
Take your tin and carefully place it into the freezer. Leave it in the freezer for at least 24 hours to ensure the vinegar freezes completely.
Oh, hello gorgeous. This is what your tablets will look like when you take them out of the freezer. To get them out of the trays easily, you can always grab hold of a piece of lemon or lime that’s sticking up out of the vinegar. That’s how I usually get mine out!
Here’s a disclaimer. As good as these look, don’t try licking them. When you take them out of the tins you’ll be able to smell the vinegar. From afar, however, they look good enough to pop into your drink. My hubby actually licked his finger after touching one the day I made them and regretted it immediately.
They definitely are beautiful, but they’re not for consumption, so take care to store them in a bag in the freezer labeled DO NOT EAT.
When you go to use one, you’ll need one more ingredient – baking soda. Start running some really hot water into the sink for about a minute.
Turn the water off and pour about 1/2 cup of baking soda into the disposal, followed by one of the tablets. You’ll hear a little fizzing when you drop it in.
Turn the water back on as a trickle and turn on the disposal. Push the rest of the tablet down into the disposal. Please watch your fingers! You should see some bubbling up from the disposal and you’ll be able to smell the vinegar and citrus. The ice actually helps sharpen your disposal blades. Using a tablet once a day should keep your disposal smelling fresh and clean.