Wednesday 29 January 2014

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts
Here’s What You Need For Your Marshmallow Filled Strawberries,

-store-bought marshmallow cream (Fluff is one brand, but there are probably more natural versions out there)
cook you own as I always do and experience the most heavenly thing you have ever tasted
-2 egg whites
- 1/4  teaspoon of cream of tartar
-  1/2 cup of corn syrup
- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
- 1/4 cup of sugar ( know the kind people put in their coffee) + another 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 1/6 cup of water

*Obviously marshmallow cream from the store is quicker if you are an impatient cook, or don’t want to buy a candy thermometer. The home-made version tastes much better, so weigh your options. You do not even have to use marshmallow at all if it isn’t your thing.

- good quality dark chocolate
- either red candy melts OR a red candy pen (Both can be found at baking supply stores, some iParty stores, or arts & craft stores. William Sonoma sells a few colors in candy pens as well.)
- red disco dust (this is like an edible glitter, I purchase mine at baking supply stores or online. Google it.)
- strawberries (larger ones are better, since they hold more strawberries but medium strawberries are fine. Heck, even small ones works so long as you don’t need a ton of marshmallow.)

Begin by making your marshmallow. You need a candy thermometer.

Grab your marshmallow ingredients.

ingredients for marshmallow cream

Toss the egg whites and cream of tartar into a clean mixing bowl.
cream of tartar and egg whites

Mix on low to medium low.
mix on low to medium-low

egg whites froth up
As soon as the egg whites begin to froth up, slowly add the tablespoon of sugar.

soft peaks will form

Stop once soft peaks form when you lift the mixer attachment out of the egg whites.

Now pour  1/6 cup of water (I know, odd measurement.. just fill the water halfway up to the 1/3 of a cup marking), corn syrup and the 1/4 cup of sugar into a sauce pan. Attach a candy thermometer.
Heat on medium, stirring occasionally.
boil sugar mixture, attach a candy thermometer

If you have not used a candy thermometer, do not be afraid. It is a very useful tool, and some even measure oil temperature for frying food. You set it either at a temperature, or certain candy stages. For this, you would set it at “firm-ball stage.” Cheaper candy thermometers only have a thermometer, so you need to keep an eye on it as it will not beep once it has reached temperature.

Once the mixture has reached 245 degrees, turn off heat and IMMEDIATELY remove from stove. Use something heat–safe to grab the sauce pan by its handle.

Turn the mixer on low (with the egg white still in the bowl) and slowly pour the sugar into the  egg white.
turn mixer on low
A stand alone mixer works nicely for this.

Keep in mind that once you remove the sugar from the heat you need to work pretty quickly. The sugar begins to hard as it cools. Don’t freak out or anything. Just have everything prepped and move efficiently

Once the mixture is poured in, increase mixer speed to high and beat for about 4-5 minutes. Add the vanilla.
marshmallow cream


Now cut your strawberries.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts, strawberry hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallow filled, glitter covered, strawberries, hearts, chocolate

1. Rip the stem off.
2. Slice in half down the middle.
3. Use a small knife to cut out the middle of each half (top right-hand corner).
4. Stick a toothpick through each half to attach them.
5. Optional: throw a little disco dust inside.
6. Use a butter knife, small knife or spoon to scoop marshmallow into each half.

Here’s a closer view of the steps.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts, strawberry hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallow filled, glitter covered, strawberries, hearts, chocolate

*Tip: Before scooping marshmallow into strawberry, use a paper towel to dry out as much of the liquid from the strawberry as possible. It will make it easier to coat with chocolate.

melt chocolate in a double boiler
Now to melt your chocolate. If you are not picky about the appearance of your chocolate, simply break it up and melt in a double boiler. This is a sauce pan filled with water. A glass bowl is placed on top so that the water is in contact with the bottom of the bowl. Turn on the heat to low. Stir chocolate until melted and smooth.

If you want to have glossy chocolate that snaps nicely and looks more professional, you want to temper your chocolate. Do the same as above, but place in only half of your chocolate. It also helps to chop it into smaller pieces than in the photo.

Now you need to use a chocolate thermometer to measure the temperature. You could always use a digital candy thermometer, but it won’t necessarily be as accurate or register at a lower temperature required for chocolate. It’s up to you.
Click here to understand the difference between a candy thermometer and a chocolate thermometer.

Melt chocolate in double boiler until it reaches about 116 degrees for dark chocolate.

Remove from heat. Stir constantly, adding in the other half of the chocolate. Add a few chopped pieces a little at a time, until it is melted in. Then add a little more.

how to temper chocolate

Measure the temperature from time to time, and continue to stir constantly. It will be a little bit of a workout for your arm.

Once the temperature lowers to about 85 degrees.

Place back onto pan with water and warm up, but only a few degrees (up to 90 degrees). The chocolate is ready to use. If it begins to set, feel free to warm it back up again, but no higher than 90 degrees.

Temper or not, your strawberries will taste amazing.

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts, strawberry hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallow filled, glitter covered, strawberries, hearts, chocolateThe next step is to dollop the chocolate onto the strawberries and marshmallow. Carefully use a small knife or spoon to spread the chocolate so that it pours over the sides.

Make sure the strawberries are dry (use paper towel) before covering in chocolate.

If you wanted to, you could stop now and simply remove the strawberries. Or, you can cover the top side as well.

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts, strawberry hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallow filled, glitter covered, strawberries, hearts, chocolate
Turn strawberries over, remove toothpicks and dollop more chocolate on top. Push the chocolate so that it pours down the sides.

Using a cooling rack for cookies is very helpful.

If you want to glitter up your strawberries, melt your red candy melt or candy pen (directions on back of pen). Drizzle on top of strawberry and then pour disco dust over.

Once the red chocolate hardens, pickup strawberry and shake off excess glitter.

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts, strawberry hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallow filled, glitter covered, strawberries, hearts, chocolate

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts, strawberry hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallow filled, glitter covered, strawberries, hearts, chocolate

If you are looking to make a quicker version here is a summary of shortcuts:
-skip the glitter, and even the red chocolate drizzle
-don’t worry about tempering the chocolate and simply melt it
-buy a marshmallow cream instead of making it

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts, strawberry hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallow filled, glitter covered, strawberries, hearts, chocolate

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Hearts, strawberry hearts, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallow filled, glitter covered, strawberries, hearts, chocolate
yum. So much better than those stinky boxes of chocolate.

You can’t go wrong with glitter. Unless we are referring to the movie. Then you can.