Tuesday, 10 July 2012

resep om jou eie porselein te maak

Antoinette Schultz
Hier is die resep om jou eie porselein te maak. Ek sit 'n foto by van die blomme wat ek gemaak het van die porselein. Ek het dit al jare terug gemaak en dit hou nogsteeds. Mens kan dit natuurlik verf ook. Ek het ook 'n porseleinhouer wat my ouma s'n was reggemaak met die porseleinpasta.

Cold Porcelain Paste:

3 Tablespoons Johnsons Baby Oil
1 Cup Ponal Wood Glue
1 1/4 cup Maizena

Use a non stick saucepan on low heat
Pour in oil and slowly add glue, stirring all the time
Slowly add 1 cup Maizena, stir until it starts coming together into a ball.
Sprinkle maizena on work surface and knead the rest of maizena into paste.
(Let it cool off slightly before you start kneading)
Place ball of paste in plastic bag and keep airtight - should last in
fridge for about 2 months.

To use simply pinch off a piece and roll into a ball. If it is too soft, add maizena.
Work your paste until pliable.
To join two bits of dried paste - use ponal.
Colour with water colours or experiment with other colouring agents. Alternatively
colour paste before hand but be careful not to wet paste too much.
To get a gloss finish, varnish when dry or use colourless nail polish.

En daars hy - geniet. Die moontlikhede met die klei is eindeloos!