
Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Annalie Joubert se Koekies

Annalie Joubert se Koekies
GEMMERKOEKIES (40) Altyd 'n sukses!

Oond 180°

500ml bruismeel, 3ml koeksoda, 3ml kremetart, 10ml gemmer 5ml fyn kaneel, knippie sout, 250ml ligtebruin suiker, 125g botter, 15ml gouestroop, 1 geklitste eier.

Smelt botter en stroop in groterige kastrol en laat afkoel.
Sif meel, koeksoda, kremetart, sout, gemmer en kaneel.
Voeg eier by afgekoelde stroopmengsel.
Roer tot alles gemeng is.
Gooi suiker oor en roer tot mengsel nat is.
Voeg droȅ bestandele by.
Laat rus vir ten minste 1 uur.
Maak botteltjies – moenie plat druk nie. Sit 2 vingers uitmekaar in pan met botter gesmeer of op bakpapier.
Bak vir 12-15 min tot bruin.

60ml cocoa powder, 125ml castor sugar, 560ml self-raising flour, 200g butter, softened, pinch salt, 1x big peppermint crisp (roughly grated).

Preheat oven to 180°. Place all ingredients (except pep.crisp) in a food processor and pulse until they come together. Tip into a bowl and add pep. crisp.Rest dough for 1 hour. Form into balls about the size of a walnut.
Place balls on a greased baking tray, spacing out and flatten using the back of a wet fork. Bake for 10 minutes.


600ml desiccated coconut, 25 glacé cherries, 100g butter (soft), pinch salt, 100ml castor sugar, 5ml vanilla essence, 250ml self-raising flour.

Preheat over to 180°. Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add vanilla, sir in flour and salt and mix well. Rest for 1 hour. With wet hands, roll walnut-size pieces into a ball and roll in coconut.
Place on a greased baking sheet, flatten slightly and place a cherry on each biscuit. Bake 15-20 minutes until golden. Cool on a baking tray for a few minutes before placing on a wire rack to cool entirely.