
Monday, 14 September 2015

Milk Tart Cake

Milk Tart Cake
Cake Ingredients:
360g self raising flour...
350g white sugar
350g Stork Bake, softened (or at room temperature)
6 large eggs
80ml milk
15ml vanilla essence

Milk Tart Filling Ingredients:
500ml full fat milk
30ml Stork Bake
385g sweetened condensed milk
1 large egg
45ml cornflour
5ml vanilla essence
Powdered cinnamon, to taste
Ganache Coating Ingredients:
125ml whipping cream
15ml Stork Bake
1 cinnamon stick
375g white chocolate, chopped into small pieces
50g dark chocolate, melted
Preheat a conventional oven to 160°C.
Line two 20cm cake tins with baking paper and spray with non-stick cooking spray.
Assemble your ingredients.
Sift the flour into a mixing bowl and add the sugar, softened Stork Bake and eggs. Mix for 30 seconds with an electric mixer on medium speed.
Add the milk and vanilla essence and beat for another 90 seconds or until the mixture looks light and fluffy.
Spoon equal amounts of batter into the lined cake tins and bake for about 50 minutes or until an inserted skewer comes out clean.
While the cake is baking, make the Milk Tart filling and ganache coating.
To make the Milk Tart filling, heat together the milk, Stork Bake and condensed milk in a pot on the stove at medium heat until the margarine has melted.
Whisk the egg, cornflour and vanilla essence in a bowl and while whisking, pour some of the heated milk mixture onto the egg mixture.
Pour the milk and egg mixture back into the pot and heat it on medium heat on the stove while stirring continuously for about 3 minutes, or until the mixture thickens.
As soon as the mixture starts to boil, remove from the heat.
Pour the thickened mixture into a bowl, place cling wrap over the surface to prevent a skin forming and place it in the refrigerator until cool, preferably overnight.
To make the ganache coating, gently heat the cream, Stork Bake and cinnamon stick in a pot on the stove. Bring the cream to just below boiling point.
Remove the pot from the heat and leave the cream to cool for the cinnamon stick to infuse the cream with its subtle flavour.
Place the chopped chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl.
Remove the cinnamon stick from the cream and pour the cream over the chopped chocolate.
Heat the chocolate and cream mixture in a microwave oven at 20% power or at the defrost setting. Stir at 2 minute intervals until the mixture is melted and smooth.
Leave the ganache in the refrigerator to set for a few hours or overnight.
When the cakes have finished baking, leave them in the tins, preferably overnight.
Turn the cakes out of the tins and tear off the baking paper.
Divide each cake into two layers. Sewing thread or unflavoured dental floss does an excellent job of slicing through a cake neatly.
Spread three of the layers with Milk Tart filling; sprinkle powdered cinnamon between the layers and stack the layers on top of one another.
Melt the ganache coating in a microwave oven at 20% power or on the defrost setting until it has the consistency of peanut butter and cover the top and sides of the cake with a thin layer of ganache coating.
Measure the height and circumference of the cake and cut a piece of greaseproof paper to this size.
Pour 50g melted chocolate into a zip-lock bag, snip off a small piece at one corner of the bag to make a piping bag and pipe swirls on the greaseproof paper.
Before the chocolate sets, lift the paper off your workbench and fold it around the cake with the decorations on the inside.
Peel the paper off the chocolate to reveal a lace pattern on the cake.
Decorate the top of the cake with powdered cinnamon, cinnamon sticks or chocolate curls.