
Wednesday 8 June 2016

Mouthwatering Daltjies

Mouthwatering Daltjies


2cups of pea flour/ chana flour
2cups of cake flour
4 teaspoons of baking powder
1 tablespoon of garlic & Ginger

1 tablespoon roasted masala ( I use Pakco)
2 tsps of tumeric
1 grated potato, peeled
1 grated onion, peeled
8 chopped spinach leaves ( remember to remove white middle part in leaf )
2 teaspoons of salt
1 egg
2 cups of water ( batter should resemble a slightly stiff cake batter)
Adding chopped coriander is optional
If you like a little heat you may add one chopped chilli
1 liter of oil to deep fry


Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well combined . Heat oil in medium deep pot , test small amount of batter in hot oil. When it forms a round swollen shape and rises to the top in seconds, boeta maanie is your uncle. ( your oil is ready for frying )

Now fry off dropping batter using a dessert spoon , fry on each side 2-3 minutes or until golden brown and the daltjie turns by itself while frying . Delicious !!!

Tip - if your daltjies comes out too oily - too little flour and oil temp too low .

If it don't rise - too little baking powder .

Too dry - too little water in batter .

Little taste - too little salt .