
Thursday, 12 November 2015

Verskeie Droë Koekie Resepte

Verskeie Droë Koekie Resepte

1. Een twee drie koekies:
750g self raising flour
250g strooi suiker ...
500g margarine

Meng tot gladde deeg, maak bolletjies, druk plat, en bak vir 15 min of tot goud bruin 180 grade.

2. Maklike Koekies:

1kg koekmeel
500g versiersuiker
1kg botter.
Rol uit en maak vormpies en bak vir 10 min op 180.

3. Grondboontjiebotterkoekies:

1 koppie grondboontjiebotter (glad of grof)
1 koppie witsuiker
1 eier, geklits
Ja dis al.

Al wat toe nodig is is om die koekiedeeg in bolletjies te skep (ek het sommer ’n spanspekbolletjie-skepper gebruik) en in 24 bolletjies gerol, op ‘n kleefvrye-sprei-gespuite bakplaat te pak en liggies met ‘n vurk plat te druk.
Voorverhit oond tot 180°C
Bak vir 10 minute
Die koekies voel sag as as dit uit die oond uit kom, so laat dit ‘n rukkie staan en verwyder dan baie versigtig met ‘n platlemmes (die koekies is baie bros.)

4. Vlakoekies:

175g meel
50g vlapoeier
50g versiersuiker
1/2 tl sout
150g sagte margarien
2ml vanilla essens
Oond op 180 grade.
Alle droog in bak, meng goed (of saam in food processor).
Vryf margarien en vanilla in met vingerpunte tot 'n deeg (of meng in processor).
Bak 15min.


250gr botter
250ml suiker
2 eiers
860 ml bruismeel
250ml droe klapper
1 ml sout

Room botter en suiker, voeg eiers een vir een by en meng goed na elke byvoeging. Voeg klapper by. Meng meel en sout en voeg by bottermengsel. Meng goed. Deel mengsel in 2 – rol in 2 worse van so 5 cm in deersnee. Maak toe met gladwrap en plaas in yskas vir tenminste ‘n uur.
Sny deegrol in snye van so 1 cm dikte (5mm) en bak op gesmeerde bakplaat vir 15 min by 190 grade C.


425g koekmeel
3ml sout
3ml koeksoda
5ml fyn kaneel
3ml fyn naeltjies
200g karamelbruinsuiker
125g botter
1 eier (geklits)
90ml sjerrie of port
5ml lemoenskil, gerasper
amandelsplinters vir versiering


Sif meel, sout, koeksoda, kaneel, naeltjies en suiker saam. Vryf botter in. Voeg eier, sjerrie en skil by. Bedek deeg en laat ongeveer 1 uur lank staan. Rol deeg uit tot 3mm-dikte. Druk ronde koekies uit,druk ‘n stukkie amandel in die middel van elke koekie vas. Plaas op ‘n gesmeerde bakplaat. Bak ongeveer 15 minute lank in voorverhitte oond by 200C.


12 kop meel
4 eiers
1 pakkie cream of tartar
1 pakkie koeksoda
1tl stroop
730gr botter
1 blik kondensmelk
3 kop suiker

Room suiker, botter en kondensmelk. Voeg droe bestandele by behalwe koeksoda - meng koeksoda met kwart kop melk en voeg by - as jy sien die deeg is te slap voeg nog 1 kop meel by - Rol uit en druk vormpies. Bak in oond by 180 grade tot gaar.

8. KLAPPER MAKROLLETJIES: (Soentjie koekies)

1 blik kondensmelk
5 ml vanilje
500 ml klapper
meng alles - skep klontjies op bakplaat - bak vir 10 min - haal uit en laat afkoel. Ek deel my beslag in 2 – een helfte maak ek gewoonweg, en by die ander helfte gooi ek so ‘n teelelpel of 2 kakao.


2 k meel
4 k oats
2 k klapper
2 k suiker
250 g margarien
3 t stroop
2 t koeksoda
Smelt botter & stroop (moenie kook nie net smelt).
Voeg koeksoda by. Meng die droë bestanddele saam.
Gooi stroop by droë bestanddele.
Gooi in 'n oondpan en druk vas.
Bak vir ± 10 - 15 min teen 180° C. Haal uit en sny dadelik.


1 kop meel
1/4 kop vlapoeier
1/2 kop botter
1/4 kop versiersuiker
Meng alles - vorm koekies en bak by 200grade tot gaar.


250g botter
6 x 250ml koekmeel
625ml suiker
Knypie sout
15ml koeksoda
20ml kremetart
3 eiers
250ml melk.

Vryf botter in meel. Voeg suiker, sout, koeksoda en kremetart by. Klits eiers en melk en voeg by. Rol uit en druk koekies. Pak op gesmeer bakplaat. Bak 15min by 180.

12. Sjokoladesplinter-Koekies:

Ons almal ken hierdie een as ’n chocolate chip cookie
(sowat 20 koekies)
125 g (135 ml) botter
100 g (125 ml) suiker
100 g (125 ml) bruinsuiker
2 ml vanieljegeursel
1 eier, effens geklits
184 g (330 ml) bruismeel
1 ml sout
125 g sjokoladesplinters
60 g okkerneute, grofgekap

Verhit jou oond tot 180 ºC. Room die botter en albei suikers met jou elektriese menger saam tot lig en romerig. Gooi die vanieljegeursel by en meng. Voeg die geklitste eier geleidelik by en klits goed ná elke byvoeging. Sif die bruismeel en sout saam. Voeg dit by die suikermengsel. Voeg die sjokolade-splinters en okkerneute by en meng goed. Skep teelepelsvol van die mengsel en vorm in balletjies. Plaas balletjies op ’n bakplaat wat met bakpapier uitgevoer en goed gesmeer is, sowat 5 cm van mekaar. Bak vir 15 – 20 minute.


Jy benodig [Vir ± 180 koekies]
1½ koppie witsuiker
1½ koppie bruinsuiker
3 eiers
375 g margarien of botter
3¾ koppie bruismeel
1½ koppie Milo
1½ koppie sjokoladesplinters
(“choc chips”)
1 teelepel vanieljegeursel

1 Klits die wit- en bruinsuiker saam met die eiers.
2 Voeg die margarien of botter by en meng dit goed.
3 Voeg nou die bruismeel, Milo en sjokoladesplinters by en meng dit goed. Gooi die vanieljegeursel by en roer die deeg totdat dit goed deurgemeng en sag is. Laat dit vir 10 minute staan.
4 Skep baie klein skeppies van die deegbeslag op ’n gesmeerde, gevoerde bakplaat (dié koekies bak plat) en bak dit vir 10-15 minute in ’n oond van 180ºC.
Laat die koekies vir 15 minute staan voordat jy dit van die plaat af skep en in blikke pak.

Wenk: Bros buite, klam en amper toffierig – én Milo-rig! – binne. Beter kan jy nie in jou koffie doop nie. Maklik en heerlik.

Outydse Koffiekoekies

2 kg koekmeelblom
7 ml sout
625ml geelsuiker
750 g botter
110 ml skoon varkvet (Gebruik botter of margarien)
400 ml stroop
25 ml koeksoda
250 ml baie sterk swart koffie
15ml vanieljegeursel

1. Meng meel, sout, suiker in groot skottel.
2. Frummel botter en vet daarin.
3. Voeg die stroop by en meng.
4. Maak die koeksoda met 'n bietjie van die koffie aan en voeg dit saam met die res van die koffie en die geursel
by die meelmengsel.
5. Meng alles goed om 'n deeg te vorm.

Plaas deeg in plastieksak en laat oornag staan.

Rol deeg die volgende dag dun uit. Sny ewe lank langwerpige koekies. Trek kruis en dwars patrone oor deeg met 'n vurk. Bak dit 10-12 min.

30 ml kitskoffie poeier
25 ml kookwater
250 ml witsuiker
100 ml botter/margarine
70 ml melk

1. Maak koffiepoeier met die kookwater aan.
2. Voeg die suiker, smeer en melk by.
3. Verhit dit tot kookpunt en kook 5min lank.
4. Haal dit van die stoof af en klop dit met `n houtlepel tot styf en goed koud word.
5. Smeer koekies en plak op mekaar vas

12 cookie Recipes (thank u Stella)

1. One two three cookies:

750 g self raising flour
250 g castor sugar
500 g margarine
Mix until dough is smooth, roll balls, press flat with a fork. bake for 15 min or until golden brown at 180 C.

2. Easy Cookies:

1 kg cake flour
500 g icing sugar
1 kg butter
Roll dough out and form/cut/press into shapes. Bake for 10 min at 180 C.

3. Peanut butter Cookies:

1 cup peanut butter (smooth or crunch)
1 cup white sugar
1 egg, (beaten)
Yes, that's all!

The only thing you need to do is to shape the cookie dough into little balls, (I used a sweet melon ball shaper) and rolled into 24 balls onto a non-stick baking tray (spray with cooking spray), press down lightly with a fork and bake in a pre heated oven at 180°C for 10 min. The cookies feel soft when removed from oven, let it stand for a while before lifting it up with a spatula very carefully, they are very brittle.

4. Custard Cookies:

175 g flour
50 g custard powder
50 g icing sugar
1/2 tsp salt
150 g soft margarine
2 ml vanilla essence

Preheat oven to 180 C. Mix all the dry ingredients into a bowl, mix well (or use your food processor). Rub margarine and vanilla in with your finger tips until it forms a dough. (or use your food processor). Form cookies and bake for 15min.

5. Coconut Cookies:

250 gr butter
250 ml sugar
2 eggs
860 ml self raising flour
250 ml dry coconut
1 ml salt

Cream butter and sugar, add eggs one by one and mix well after each addition. Mix the flour and salt and add to butter mixture. Mix well and divide dough in two. Roll the two parts into a sausage, 5 cm in diameter. Cover with glad wrap and put in fridge for at least one hour. Cut the dough in slices 1cm thick (5mm) and transfer onto greased baking tray. Bake for 15 min by 190 C.

6. Spiced Cookies:

425 g cake flour
3 ml salt
3 ml bicarb of soda
5 ml ground cinnamon
3 ml ground cloves
200 g caramel brown sugar
125 g butter
1 egg (beaten)
90 ml sherry of port
5 ml orange peel, (grated)
almond flakes for decoration

Sift flour, salt, bicarb of soda, cinnamon, cloves and sugar together. Rub the butter into mixture with your fingertips. Add the egg, sherrie/port and orange peel. Cover the dough with glad wrap and set aside for ± one hour. Roll out dough 3mm thick, and press with a round shaped cookie press into circles. Press a piece of almond in the centre of each cookie. Transfer onto a greased baking tin and bake in a pre heated oven ± 15 min.

7. Condensed Milk cookies:

12 cups flour
4 eggs
1 sachet cream of tartar
1 sachet bicarb of soda
1 tsp golden syrup
730 gr butter
1 tin condensed milk
3 cups sugar

Cream sugar, butter and condensed milk. Add dry ingredients, except bicarb of soda. Mix the bicarb with a quarter cup of milk and add to mixture. If dough is too runny, add another cup of flour. Roll out and press with cookie cutter(s). Bake in oven at 180 C until golden brown.

8. Coconut Macaroons (Kisses)

1 tin condensed milk
5 ml vanilla essence
500 ml coconut

Mix all the ingredients together and spoon onto a greased baking tray. Bake for 10 min at 180 C. Remove from oven and let it cool. I half the dough in 2 – one half I use for plain cookies and the other half I add a tbs or 2 cacao powder.

9. Oats Cookies

2 c flour
4 c oats
2 c coconut
2 c sugar
250 g margarine
3 t golden syrup
2 t biccarb of soda

Melt butter and syrup (don't cook just melt). Add the bicarb of soda. Add the dry ingredients, and then the syrup. Pour into a greased baking tray and line the tray with the mixture. Bake at 180° C for
± 10 - 15 min at 180° C. Remove from oven and cut into squares immediately.

10. "Wielie Walie" Cookies:

1 c flour
1/4 cup custard powder
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup icing sugar

Mix the above ingredients and form into a dough. Press cookies with a cookie cutter or just form into cookies. Bake at 200 C until golden brown.


250 g butter
6 x 250ml cake flour
625 ml sugar
Pinch of salt
15 ml bicarb of soda
20 ml cream of tartar
3 eggs
250 ml milk

Rub the margarine into flour with your fingertips. Add the sugar, salt, bicarb of soda and cream of tartar. Beat the eggs and add the milk. Roll out and form into cookies. Transfer onto a greased baking tray and bake 15min at 180 C.

12. Chocolate Chip Cookies:
(±20 cookies)
125 g (135 ml) butter
100 g (125 ml) white sugar
100 g (125 ml) brown sugar
2 ml vanilla essence
1 egg, slightly beaten
184 g (330 ml) self raising flour
1 ml salt
125 g chocolate chips
60 g walnuts (roughly chopped)

Preheat oven at 180 ºC. Cream the butter and both the sugar(s) with an electric beater until light and fluffy. Add the vanilla essence and mix. Add the egg gradually an mix well after each addition. Sift the self raising flour and salt together. Add to the sugar mixture. Add the chocolate chips and also the nuts. Mix well. Spoon tablespoons full of dough and form into balls. Transfer onto a greased baking tray, which is also lined (and greased) with baking paper, ±5 cm apart. Bake for 15 – 20 min.

Milo Biscuits:
± 180 cookies:

1½ cup white sugar
1½ cup brown sugar
3 eggs
375 g margarine or butter
3¾ cup self raising flour
1½ cup Milo (powder)
1½ cup chocolate chips)
1 tps vanilla essence

Beat the eggs and both the sugar(s) until fluffy. Add the margarine/butter and mix well. Add the self raising flour, milo and chocolate chips and mix well. Add the vanilla and stir through until soft. Put it aside for 10 min. Spoon small tablespoons full of dough onto a greased and lined (with baking paper and greased) baking tray. Bake at 180ºC for
10-15 minutes. Leave cookies for
15 minutes, before you remove them from the baking tray to store in your cookie jar/tin.

*Hint brittle on the inside, moist and nearly toffee like and milo-ish on the inside. Easy and very delicious!

Coffee Biscuits
±29 doz

2 kg cake flour
7 ml salt
500 g yellow sugar
750 g butter/margarine
100 g pork lard / cooking fat / holsum
400 ml golden syrup (500g tin)
25 ml bicarb of soda
250 ml very strong black coffee
12,5 ml vanilla essence

Sift cake flour and salt in a big bowl. Add yellow sugar and mix through. Rub the butter/lard/cooking fat in with your finger tips until mixed. Add the golden syrup and mix through. Mix the bicarb with a little bit of coffee and add it with the rest of the coffee to mixture. Add vanilla essence. Mix everything together to form a dough. Transfer the dough into a plastic bag and leave it overnight to rest. On the next day, roll the dough out thinly, cut into oblong shapes and scrape the top with a fork or use a meat grinder to shape biscuits. Transfer the biscuits, slightly apart onto greased baking trays. Bake for 10-12min in a pre heated oven at 200°C until golden brown. Allow to cool on rack and store in an airtight container.
100 g dark chocolate
25 g margarine
2 ml instant coffee powder

Melt above ingredients in a pot on stove. Spread on biscuits and sandwich them together.