
Friday, 23 January 2015


5&1/4 cups of cake flour ...
1 packet of instant yeast ( 10 grams)
100 grams of butter
1 teaspoon of baking powder
2 eggs lightly beaten
2 tablespoons of sugar

4 teaspoons of Aniseed
1 teaspoon of salt
1&1/2 cups of full cream milk
oil for deep frying
2 cups of water
2 cups of sugar
2 stick cinnamon .
2 cups of fine coconut for cover doughnuts after you syrup the doughnuts .
Take the yeast with a pinch of sugar and 1/4 cup of lukewarm water and stir , allow to stand for a few minutes until it starts to froth .
Next take your flour and baking powder and sift it into a large bowl , now take your butter and cut into cubes , take your hands and rub butter into flour , takes about a minute or two to do this , next add the rest of the ingredients , including the frothy yeast mixture and mix with hands until a dough is formed . Don't knead your dough . Do not be tempted to add more flour , this will result in a hard stiff doughnut .
Cover and allow to rise for 2 hours .
Take your dough and oil or flour your hands to form individual oval shapes , fry in heated oil on medium heat till brown on both sides .
Syrup - boil water , sugar and cinnamon sticks for about 5-10 minutes , switch off the heat . Prick each doughnut with a fork and dunk once into the sugar syrup . Drizzle and cover with fine coconut . And you are done .