
Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Hoender room pot

HEERLIK VERBY!! (Corne van Zyl)


6 Chicken Breasts
Chicken Spice to Taste
250g Rindless Bacon, Cubed
4 Medium Onions, Diced
60ml Smooth Apricot Jam
100ml Water
15ml Worcestershire Sauce
12 Baby Onions, Peeled
10 Baby Potatoes, Peeled
750ml Frozen Mixed Vegetables
300g Mushrooms, Sliced
Aromat to Taste
500ml Fresh Cream or 250ml Cream + 250ml Milk
1 Pkt Oxtail Soup
1 Pkt Onion Soup

Spice the chicken with the chicken spices
Heat the oil in a large pot and fry the bacon for about 5 minutes
Add the onions and apricot jam, and cook until soft
Add the chicken, worcestershire sauce and water, cover and allow to simmer for 15 minutes
Add the baby onions and baby potatoes, and simmer for 10 minutes
Add the vegies and mushrooms
Sprinkle with aromat, cover, and allow to simmer for 30 minutes
Mix the soup powder with the cream, and add to the pot
Cover and simmer gently for 30 minutes